November 11, 2021

Vegan Penne Cinque Pi (And A Little Bit More)

Cinque Pi was definitely one of my favourite dishes as a child. My mum used to make it when our table was packed with visitors, because penne cinque pi is one of the easiest, quickest and cheapest recipes I know! Until now, it never occurred to me to try a vegan version of it - and I really missed out! I was so pleased with the result that Cinque Pi will for sure end up on my menu more often.

As the name suggests (translated as "five Ps"), the sauce is actually just five ingredients, all of which start with "P" in Italian: panna (cream), pomodori (tomatoes), parmigiano (Parmesan), prezzemolo (parsley) and pepe (pepper). For my version, however, I took the liberty of adding onions, garlic and nutmeg. For all original cinque pi lovers, this is probably a high treason, I am aware of that. However, you can simply omit my additional ingredients and then you have an equally delicious, almost "original" cinque pi recipe - just vegan. I hope you like it as much as I do!


For 4 servings

500g of penne

450ml of soy cream

1 bunch of parsley

3-5 tbsp of nutritional yeast

2-3 tbsp of tomato paste

a little salt

a little pepper

a little nutmeg (optional)

1 small onion (optional)

1 clove of garlic (optional)

a little oil for the pan (optional)


  1. Cook the penne with a little salt according to the instructions on the packet.
  2. In the meantime, optionally chop the onion and garlic clove and fry in a little oil.
  3. Add the soy cream to the pan. When it comes to a gentle simmer, turn down the heat. Add the tomato paste, nutritional yeast, pepper and optionally a little nutmeg. If you feel like it, you can also add a pinch of salt to the sauce. In case the sauce is still a little too liquid, add a little more nutritional yeast or optionally sauce thickener (such as corn starch). Chop the parsley and add at the end.
  4. Drain the penne and spread the sauce over it. Serve warm.